A note about Faith…

Hello all.

Before we get started, I wanted to address the Faith area of this blog. In my work, and in my actual life, I highly value all different types of people. Not all of my clients, or friends for that matter, share my same faith. So, as I thought about this blog and journeying alongside others in this way, I thought long and hard about whether or not to include my faith. The issue I came up with time and again is that my faith is the foundation upon which I am built. In my office, I don’t speak about it if a client hasn’t asked for that incorporation. And that is ethical and logical because, in the space of my therapy office, I am there for the client, not for me. Well, in this space, I am here for me and for the reader so I want to be able to share more about me and that can’t be done without some talk about faith. However, I also want this to be an open space for all people to learn more about therapy and doing internal work to become more of yourself.

So, here is what I decided. In most blog posts that include a large faith portion, they will be categorized as that. If you don’t share faith that is in some way similar to mine, then please be invited to not read those. I am not here to pressure you, change you or manipulate you. I just want to be open to share me. In blog posts that have a smaller faith portion incorporated, I am going to try to delineate when I am moving into the that portion. This will signal you that I am moving into the that area and, again, you can choose to read that portion or not.

For those of you who feel your faith may be similar to mine, I just want you to know that I am, as stated earlier, a “faith-grounded questioner.” I have a deep and steadfast connection to God. I also have a truck-load of questions. You’ve been warned.

I know that faith is complicated for many of us. I hope this incorporation will feel safe and respectful. I do so look forward to this journey together.
